Vance Joy - Riptide
Literal - Cowboy chasing himself, someone becoming unstuck, but not always completely direct like people turning green you could think jealousy but it shows money so turning green. Very repetitive, fragmented structure Themes- Abusing women, Escape The woman singing gets more beat up throughout the video you see a woman at the start being portrayed in a low angle shot showing that she's powerful Lyrics and language - Diaect literal/ symbolic metaphor Mulvey's male gaze Indie (independant) - Alternative + pop, VHS suggests its indie as its 'not in popularity/mainstream' like indie. Post-modernism: Intertextuality - Horror films, Wes Anderson (film director) A-symmetrical centre framed shots gives sense of forced perspective, which is seen in riptide references like binoculars in a high place, typical shots for Anderson is shots from above which is also seen in the suitcase scene. David Lynch - Blue Velvet reference to girl who progressively get more beat up in riptide to...